The dust has settled on this year’s August Postcard Poetry Fest. This is the fourth year I’ve done this month-long writing marathon, invented by poets Lana Hechtman Ayers and Paul Nelson, where more than 200 poets around the world write a poem on a postcard each day in August and mail it to another participant. This year I managed to write the full complement of 31 poems/postcards, and I mailed them all before the end of August. I think this is the first time I’ve written a full 31 and sent them on time; in the past I’ve usually had a flakeout or three during the month, or sent 10 cards on September 6th or whenever in a mad rush to catch up. This year I received 32 postcards from writers all over the U.S., and one in the U.K., a vivid array of artwork and poems that lifted my mailbox out of its usual gloom of bills and ads for laser surgery and window-blind cleaning.
Parties vs. poopers
This year the Postcard Fest had a Facebook group. I’m
starting to think every project in the world should have one of these; it’s a
great way to bond with other people who are doing whatever you’re doing. Even
before the postcarding got underway, the Facebook group was buzzing with people
posting about how they were gathering their postcards, buying cool stamps*, getting
acquainted, and just checking in with daily details of life. This made me feel
much more connected to the project than in years past, and as August dawned and
the writing and postcard-sending began, I felt more motivated than usual to
keep writing poems and mailing them. It was like I knew these people now, and I didn’t want to let them down. It was
also like there was this great party going on, and I didn’t want to be the
pooper. Keep the party going!, the
Facebook group seemed to be saying. Don’t
bring down the room.
De-cluttering the

Baking by the batch
Another thing I did differently this year—and this broke the
rules a little—was that I wrote the poems in batches. The guidelines for the
Fest encourage people to write a poem every day…because it’s, you know, a
poem-a-day marathon. And that’s usually great—I love the discipline of this and
other marathons like NaPoWriMo and Tupelo Press’ 30/30 Project, and I rely on them to
generate a lot of new poems in a short time. But during this Fest I discovered
something interesting: I seemed to write better poems when I wrote them in batches.
I stumbled
across this by accident, right at the start. The guidelines suggested that we
write three poems a few days before August 1st and send them out so our first
few recipients would start receiving poems at the beginning of August. So I sat
down on about July 27th to write three poems and get things started. The first
poem—cold start, sputter, cough—took a long time to form in my head, and it
came out a little wooden. It wasn’t really a keeper, but that’s OK—the Fest is
all about generating first drafts. But the second poem, to my surprise, was
better; my poetry engine was warmed up, and the poem slipped out easily and was
a lot more interesting. And so was poem #3—it ranged farther off leash and had
more natural energy to it than that first, stage-frightened poem. Okay, I
thought…maybe writing only one is not the best way to do this. And because
postcard poems have to be short enough to fit on the card, writing a batch of
them didn’t seem too daunting.
So all
through the month, I wrote poems about every three days instead of every day,
always in batches. The jury’s out on whether these poems are any better than in
years past; I haven’t typed them all up yet (I made photocopies of all the
cards I sent), and I’m not even sure what I’ve got there. But I know that I
felt excited about some of them, perhaps more than usual. And the “batching” definitely
made this marathon feel easier than it usually does—I never got that grumbly-teenager
feeling of not wanting to sit down and write. Or if I did, I just didn’t write
that night, and wrote an extra poem the next time around. And I had a lot of
fun with these poems; somehow, writing batches of them took the pressure off
each one. If a couple were duds, maybe others in the batch would come out
better. And then I had a couple days off to recharge.
This year I tried to write some poems with a common theme, mixing
mythology with cars I’ve known and owned, along with found poems that mashed up
car-related public documents in a sort of word blender. I don’t know yet if those
poems will ever amount to anything; I have to think more about the structure of
that sequence.
But you
never know how a series of poems will end up playing off each other, or off
other poems that don’t seem related. Last year I wrote a bunch of postcard
poems with images of the Rogue River, based on a rafting trip I took when the
Rogue Valley was choked with forest-fire smoke. Later I wove several of those
poems together with another sequence of poems I’d been working on, and found that
they spoke to each other in a way I hadn’t expected, different voices in a
conversation I didn’t know my subconscious was having. I made them into a
chapbook manuscript called I Am on a
River and Cannot Answer, which the wonderful BOAAT Press will be publishing
next month as a downloadable PDF book. More on that in a future post.
To find out more about the August Postcard Poetry Fest, visit its web page here.
* One day, yes, I will blog about being a lifelong stamp
collector. For now, I’ll just mention that on an episode of The Simpsons, the family’s house was
about to burn down, and Lisa went running back to it, yelling “My stamp
collection!” The rest of the family stood in silence for a moment, then they
all burst out laughing, even Homer. Philatelists—our coolness has not been
discovered yet.
** Including phone cases, coffee mugs and…pillows?